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Short Term Plans

Short term medical insurance, also called temporary health insurance or term health insurance, can provide a temporary solution to help fill gaps in coverage. Consider short term plans if you're:

  • Between jobs
  • Waiting for other coverage to begin
  • Waiting to be eligible for Medicare coverage
  • Without health insurance, outside of Open Enrollment

Short Term plans are available at any time during the year.

The cost of temporary plan is usually lower than the cost of a permanent health insurance. Also, most temporary plans offer very broad provider networks, better than those found in permanent insurance plans.

Short term plans don't have all the benefits of the permanent plans, yet they are a great option for people who want to have protection against major healthcare costs and want to have access to most medical providers.

Our agency offers short term plans from the following companies: United Healthcare, AllState and Pivot Health.

Please call our agency for a free quote 708 669 7222

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